Sunday 30 December 2012

In the beginning...

In the beginning.....

So this blog is basically a blog of encouragement to my self and to others.
When I say a blog of encouragement  its mostly about self confidence and self-esteem.I feel that there are a lot of people out there (especially women and girls) who do not know how beautiful they are and they settle for some much less when they are worth so much.

From personal experiences I have seen how low self esteem can stop people from reaching their full capacity and how a "I can't" attitude hinders people from even trying.

So... If there is a dream or a desire that you have within you that just won't be silence, then d it time to stir up your courage and Go Get It !! :)

Looking to the past

This is just something I have been thinking about and I thought to share with you...

I have been thinking a lot about the past recently, as we draw closer to the end of the year it seems that we all begin to evaluate our lives and look back on the last 12 months. The interesting thing is, we only choose to remember what we want to remember, whether that be an achievement or a failure or something sad such as the loss of a loved one.

Saturday 29 December 2012

Is Your Past Chaining You There?

Is Your Past Chaining You There?

A simple question but a hard one for 2 reasons..

1. We are who we are to today based upon some part of our past, we learn from experiences, mistakes and other people that have an  impact upon us as we grow up

2. As the the old saying goes "you don't know where you are going till you know where you have been". So to put it in another way if you grew up poor but are now a millionaire (through hard work not fame). You know where you came from and the work you had to put in to get to where you are in life.