Thursday 17 September 2015


Hey Guys I know I have been away forever, but today I thought I would share a post I rote for a groups I am part of called the Proverbs 31 Experience . We are a group of young women who are trying to live a life in light of the Word of God and to encourage one another along this journey of life and faith. :)  
Today I would like to talk about the idea of pushing forward in God's will rather than on your own. 
Over the last week  I have been thinking about the idea of when we cry out to God. Do we cry out when we are fed up? When we have tried it our way and now we want to ask God? Or when we just feel like things are not going how we think they should be. Or you may feel like you are at the end of your rope etc. 
This takes me to the story of the Fishermen in Luke 5, who had been out fishing all night and yet had nothing to show for their hard work; but 
 'When he (Jesus) had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.”

What Simon said in verse 5 is key, He said "because you say so." Even though He could have said no that he was tired of trying.But because Jesus told him, Simon was obedient. 

It would have been easy for Simon to think that how could letting down the nets again make any difference but in that moment it changed everything( if you read on to verse 11, you will see this). 
The point I am trying to make is that when we get to the point where we would give up, we can keep on going because God will make a way. But the key is to P.U.S.H ( Pray Until Something Happens.) 

By pray I don't just mean pray, I mean continue to give God praise regardless of the situation, study the word, take a break from the world and listen to the voice of God and move in the will of the Lord. 
An analogy to illustrate the idea of Pushing is American Football. During training the players have to try and push the sled, if you are a rookie you may only take a few steps before you can't go any more, but the more you practice (P.U.S.H), the further you can go and when you are obedient to God's will, you will be able to push the sled to the touch down line. 

So this week I want to set us a little challenge:
when you at your door before you leave your house I want you to say aloud "God, I step into your plans.I trust that they'll be the best version of my future. I'll pursue them to please You. Then take your step out into your day. 
Please keep Nana and Patience in your prayers as they are in America 
Also please remember the homeless people as the weather gets colder 
If there are any other prayer points please get in touch 
I don't know what you are going through but I pray that God continue to guide, protect and speak into yours and your families lives.
Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.”
When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. 

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